mobile application UMI.eManager for orders processing.">
"e;Site templates"e;.">
select elFinder in your profile.">
If sure, press "e;Delete"e;.
This element is unrecoverable
You are deleting the page. If you are sure, click "e;Delete"e;."> Are you sure you want to delete this data type?
If you are sure, click "e;Delete"e;.
Attention! All objects of this data type will be removed!
You can add a blog on the tab Blogs.
"> Moving page may cause changes in site structure.Если это не Вы, просто проигнорируйте данное письмо.
Если Вы действительно хотите восстановить пароль, кликните по этой ссылке:
С уважением,
Администрация сайта %domain%
Логин: %login%
Пароль: %password%
С уважением,
Администрация сайта %domain%
Notice that all files will be reverted to backup state.
"> Rollback is in progress.For a given pattern, the module generates headers and inserts them into the selected page. In order to give a unique, you can use synonyms, and inserted into the header template names of products and their prices.
Learn the certificate below for a complete understanding of the module or ask your question on the
"> What variables can be substituted into the template?All the standard fields of an object (such as% h1%,% price%).
% h1% - the title, is commonly used for the product name in the online store.
% price% - typically, the current commodity price
You can use any of its fields (substituting the pattern of their character name). Also, we have introduced a special field of % parent_name%, which substitutes the name of the parent partition.
For example, for the TV SONY st-500, which is in the section HD-TV, you can make the title:
Excellent model HD-TV for you - this SONY st-500 for as low as 25300 rubles.
To get this title, you need to use the template:
Excellent model % parent_name% for you - this % h1% for as low as % price% rubles.
In order to generate a variety of titles, you can use constructions like:
{Sinonim1 | Sinonim2 | Sinonim3}, which are used to insert the synonyms in the title.
Inside the curly braces, you can specify several synonyms (well, or any other words), which will in turn be substituted in the generated template.
If the pattern looks like this: {Cool | Great | Wonderful} our company, you will get three options header:
Steep our company
Great our company
Lovely our company
It is important to understand that if you get three options, and select the page to which you want to register titles to eight, the script will use every title in the sequence, and then in a circle.
Try to vary the pattern to get a sufficient number of options for your headlines.
{Cool | Great | Wonderful} model% h1% {help realize the dream | dostingut dreams} {in the shortest possible time | a very short time and just}% price% rubles!
Once you build a template, it must be run in the job. To do this, follow these steps.
1. Make a backup copy of the site to avoid an unfortunate accident.
2. Select the template you want to use and click on it, as shown in the picture:
3. Press 'Generate and fill tags'
4. As a result, you get a list of pages on which changes were made.
5. Look at the result, and the system will tell you the lines, which have problems (for example, the title will be too long, or some variable is missing on that page).
6. Clicked all you are interested in the problem pages, if necessary, and edit the tags on them manually.
Send us your feedback on the module, so that we can make it better and more useful to the post